Next Wednesday C27 starts our teaching series on Christmas, called A New Hope. Here's a couple highlights of what we'll be talking about.
- The arrival of the Messiah was supposed to be great. It was, but it was in an entirely unexpected way. The people expected the arrival to be in a kingdom with power. It was in a barn with humility.
- We usually expect Christmas to be great, but if we're not careful, we can expect it to be great for the wrong reasons.
- What if we made Christmas great in an entirely different way? What if we spent less, gave more, and spent more time loving people? For ideas check out the Advent Conspiracy.
- The wise men were powerful respected men, and they walked a great distance to see Jesus. The shepherds were poor, the opposite of powerful, but they also got to see Jesus. Jesus is for all of us, no matter what our background.
Every year, I get excited about talking about Christmas with our students. Maybe all of us can work together this Christmas to uphold that Jesus is for all of us. Your social status doesn't matter. Your background doesn't matter. Your income, nationality, or political party doesn't qualify you or disqualify you. Jesus is for us all.
This is hope we can all get behind.
What are some ways can you highlight Christmas in a different light this year with your friends and family?